Pan-Worship and Other Poems (1908)
The Soul of Kol Nikon (1914)
Arthur Rackham: The Wizard at Home (1914) (non-fiction)
Gypsy and Ginger (1920)
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard (1921)
Faithful Jenny Dove and Other Tales (1925)
Mighty Men: Achilles to Julius Caesar, Beowulf to Harold (1925)
Nuts and May (1925)
Faithful Jenny Dove and Other Tales (1925)
Italian Peepshow (1926)
Kaleidoscope (1928)
The Tale of Tom Tiddler (1929)
Tales from Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales Done in Prose (1930)
The Old Nurse's Stocking Basket (1931)
The Fair of St. James: A Fantasia (1932)
Perkin the Pedlar (1932)
Jim at the Corner and Other Stories (1934)
A Nursery in the Nineties (1935) (autobiography)
Humming Bird: A Novel (1936)
Ten Saints (1936)
Martin Pippin in the Daisy Field (1937)
The Wonders of Herodotus (1937)
One Foot in Fairyland: Sixteen Tales (1938)
Kings and Queens (1940) (poetry, written with her brother Herbert Farjeon)
The New Book of Days (1941)
Brave Old Woman (1941)
The Glass Slipper (1944) (play)
Ariadne and the Bull (1945)
The Silver Curlew (1949) (play)
The Little Bookroom (1955)
The Glass Slipper (1955) (novelization)
Edward Thomas: The Last Four Years (1958) (non-fiction)